Friday, January 20, 2012


   Let me briefly interrupt our story, to tell you how completely humbled and overwhelmed I am at how God is using this. I simply wasn't prepared and now feel grossly inadequate. We are in this unique window of time, having left the church we were serving in December and beginning our new one in January......I don't move until next week and Andy is already there. I don't really have anything to do while I wait except play Strawberry Shortcake and pretend to be the lesser known Jedi, Mom-wow-loon (Emerson's choosing.) So I thought I would start my blog again and share the parts worth sharing from the last year.
   But, I couldn't have imagined how it has impacted me. I put my first blog, in seven months, on the wall 10 days ago. There have been just under 2000 views. I only know who you are by your comments, messages or likes on FB, I only see numbers on the blog. I have received such encouragement from so many friends either through the blog or on FB and I am so sincerely appreciative. But yesterday, I began hearing from your friends, some are co-workers or go to church with you, some are family or connected to you in some other way. Some are anonymous and I don't know them at all and maybe you don't either. It stunned me. It immediately made me want to choose my words more carefully, not for the sake of grammar, but really, choose my words more carefully.
   It made me want to make sure I was telling you the right thing, in the right way and for the right reasons. But, I'm not a pastor or a speaker....and when I try to think about what you, whomever you are, needs to hear or what would encourage you most, I draw a blank. I got nothin'. I really would like to share something surprisingly mature or insightful....but I say things like "I got nothin'." And it's not a typo, I mean exactly that. I think freakin is an acceptable adverb.  I have no understanding of comma usage, I use dots........... excessively and write "yeah" when I mean "yea." I refer to my eldest born as Toad and my youngest as Pumpkin Patch and don't know why. I'm not quite sure how to compensate for all that or who I am. I've spent the last day and a half trying to think of something to say that is somehow more worthy of your time than stories about houses I've lived in.
   I'm so honored that you are here, so deeply, deeply honored. But, all I can do is tell you what the Lord is doing in our lives. If I limited my posts to "deep thoughts" or what I think about such and such or our daily activities, it would get old very quickly, and it still may. I am not an "interesting" person, I don't mean that in a pathetic or pitiful way, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm boring either. I think of those commercials with "the Most Interesting Man Alive," and his sage advice for precarious situations, in exotic places. I've traveled more in the last 3 months than in the last 5 years and never even left Texas. Right this minute, I have in my purse, one single black trouser sock that Toad wears at meals because he thinks it makes him look like Anakin, post cut off hand....loose M&M's, 'cause we are potty training Berky and a new 2012 calendar with 3 important dates penciled in......that's right, 3 and they are all next week. But, what God is doing is the exciting part, it is the Salt and interest of anything that has ever or will ever happen in my life....and yours too. And I will gladly tell you about it, if you will graciously let me.
   Please pardon my punctuation or lack there of. Pardon my wandering train of thought, it so often gets derailed. I am working towards a point, but it's not always chronological, or apparent for that matter. And, please pardon my illustrations, they are often about the mundane. This is often how my understanding of the Lord is....... I frequently miss the emphasis, chase after Him down meandering roads, after I missed the turn and end up in places I didn't dream I would be. And, there He is, waiting....on me....and on you.

Thank you again, I am richly blessed by your presence.

                                                MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU........................................