This post begins a series on Holy week...... ( it turned out, God had other plans for me this week. And, as is the nature of stomach bugs in a house with young children..... this was a series of one : ) Hopefully, as Christians, we are already celebrating Easter, sharing the greatest of good news with others and giving thanks for our salvation. But, even to believers......... especially to believers......... it can become more habit than heart. We want to see the stone rolled away, the morning light break and the tomb is my favorite part of the story, too. But, is it possible in our celebrating- in our focusing on the resurrection- that we forget the road that was, literally, walked to Calvary? We forget the significance of each word, each day and event that led to the cross. There is nothing accidental or superfluous about Jesus. There is nothing about Jesus, not worth noting.......every word and action, meant to teach or demonstrate to others who He is.
The passage that gives us Palm Sunday is Matthew 21:1-10........The Triumphal Entry. But, as one of my good friends often reminds me, sometimes the Rabbi teaches the most important parts, before and after the "important part."
The Gospels are jam packed with information, moving quickly from birth, to teachings, to death and resurrection. This portion is no different. Just before the Triumphal Entry, in Matthew 20, Jesus gives the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard, foretells His death and resurrection. This is also where James and John send their mother to ask for preference for them, and that they be seated beside Jesus in heaven. Finally, as they set out for Jerusalem- Jesus stops to heal the blind men on the side of the road, including Bartimaeus. Some of the greatest parts of scripture are right here, all unfolding in a matter of days.
Go back and read this chapter this weekend. Keep in mind Jesus knows why He is heading to Jerusalem, He has always known- and He has told the disciples what is about to happen, He stops to tell them again, in Matthew 20, just to make sure they understand what they are walking to. This is His Triumphal Entry, right? But, not the triumphal entry many had hoped for, though it was triumphant, indeed. He is making a journey on a road that God has ordained as His will, but will ultimately end in suffering and death........ and He knows it. Just as He knows the hairs on our head, He knows the stripes He will receive, the insults hurled against Him and the thorns that will soon tear His brow. He has seen all of this before and a few chapters later we will see Him praying to His heavenly Father, "let this cup pass." Jesus knows the road He walks, He knows that each time He falls asleep and wakes again, He is one day closer to the ultimate victory.....but before the ultimate victory, is the ultimate suffering....... the ultimate sacrifice.
Have you ever prepared to make an important trip? A vacation? Maybe you were being recognized or honored for your job? Everyone of us has prepared for an important event that concerned us, and as is our nature, WE are the focus. What do WE need? What do WE pack? What helps US make the best presentation/impression? Hair, check. Nails, check. Dry cleaning, check. The closest I can relate to this as a housewife/pastor's wife is........and it's quite a stretch, mind you........ the few times a year we go to conferences, go to other churches, speaking/music engagements or retreats that we've done for others. A few days max, and even Andy and I have been known to travel with an entourage.......(ha! I just wanted to see what that was like to say! By entourage, of course I mean Mimi......just Mimi. And, she's less hair and make up and more child wrangler/chaos management. For us, a successful trip is determined by how much we can limit the withering and blithering of our offspring. ) You see, even on the less grand end of the spectrum........even our little jaunts, the occasional coming or going....... all are planned and mapped out according to our need, preference, comfort and convenience. We are no different than you, and when we make a trip......"WE" are the focus, for us. That made sense in my head, but when I see it written out.........."we are the focus for we? I?" Say it however, the gist is, it is all about me....... But not right now, I mean, just on "me" trips........... It's about you, too......when it's a "you" trip. I'm making this worse, I see that now. "Kids, honey......don't get in my way, because this is about ME, I have to do my thing, be focused, sharp.........Get your camera, baby, cause I'm about to be great!"
Have you ever seen a souped up tour bus driving down the highway and
It's such a contradiction, it's kinda funny to think about.........Jesus..... uber rock-star of the desert? Making demands left and right? With his elite entourage........of fishermen? Ha! Jesus is the antithesis of self-importance or ego. Short of a donkey, I don't know that He made a lot of demands of His band of merry men. Even the things He needed, were for other people.........fishes and loaves to feed, a bowl to wash others feet, even the donkey He rode in on........was to fulfill Old Testament scripture. I'd like to see that in a rider........."Um, yeah.....we are gonna need all the green M&M's extracted, separated and placed out of sight........Why, you ask??? Oh, just to fulfill hundreds of years of Old Testament prophecy.....that's all."
Let's compare and contrast, shall we? How did Christ prepare to make the most important journey of His life, His destiny? With patience, kindness, humility and grace. His "rider" was not a list of demands, not a list of things He required....but things He promised to give. A beautifully executed to-do list........not showing what is most important to Him, but who is most important to Him....... and that, is us. In Matthew 20, we get a perfect picture of our King.
“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because
I am generous?’ “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
First, He tells His followers about the kingdom of heaven- that it's for everyone..... Jew and Gentile, those that come early and those who arrive late, ALL are welcome....... He shows such kindness. Grace. He tells them........This was made for you.
Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelve aside and said to them, “We
are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to
the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to
death and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!”
He tells the disciples- I will submit, I will suffer, I will die and I will rise again......... What humility and grace. What Love! He tells them.........This will be done for you.
When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. Two
blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus
was going by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” The
crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the
louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” Jesus stopped and
called them. “What do you want me to do for you?”
he asked. “Lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.” Jesus had
compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received
their sight and followed him.
His Triumphal Entry was about anything, but Him. Think back to the seating of the new pope, the ceremony, garments, the papal robes, hats, the scepter.......all of this for a man...... maybe even a good man, but just a flesh-made man. I can't even begin to imagine the months....years.... of planning and coordinating that goes into executing this tradition and ceremony.
How I wish I had been in charge of party planning for Holy Week, for my King. He wouldn't have walked miles through dirt, in the heat. He wouldn't have stayed in friends houses, dealt with crowds or ignorant people. My King should have had the finest accommodations, the finest clothes......... there should have been pomp and circumstance, an entourage that served Him, instead of Him serving them. There should have been rejoicing and celebrating all around Him, banners and music. There should have been red carpet, people lining the roads......... anything to show what care went into preparing for Him. I would have done everything in my power to demonstrate my devotion and appreciation........ to tell the world, that Jesus IS the show. Jesus is King and He is here!! I would have pulled out all the stops for my King........ had I been there, had I known. But, my King, is not a man. His ways, are not man's ways........and nothing fit for a man, would be fitting for Jesus. Jesus' road to being crowned King, had a cross in the middle of it.
His Triumphal Entry, before it even began- was marked with humility, loving kindness, mercy, patience, grace, compassion and faithfulness. You see, my King was a King- long before He was ever crowned....... long before the crowds lined the streets of Jerusalem with palm branches and shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David; BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!!! Hosanna in the highest!” Long before He was recognized by the world as such, long before those who doubted......believed...........King Jesus was ALWAYS King, always THE King. Jesus was showing us He was King on the highways and byways, with the clean and unclean, with the filthy, spotted and stained, the poor and afflicted, with the dying child and the orphan, the helpless and hopeless. He was showing us how to be King as He walked the dust of the desert, as He prayed in the Garden and taught on the water. Jesus did not need the robes or crowns of the world, His garment was righteousness and His crown Glory- bestowed on Him, a faithful Son, by His heavenly Father. He IS King, not by wealth, or position, by election or inherited status.........His power and authority are given divinely, by the Creator of All. He was King in the beginning and He will be King, in the end
And yet, the King comes to us as a friend and Father. He makes time for us, He shows us grace and mercy, He answers our silly questions and calms our fears. It is us He stops for, on the side of the road. It is us, that He patiently slows for, making time for our healing and redemption.
What road are you walking? And, how are you walking it? Like an earthly, worldly king-with puffed up pride, demanding attention and respect? Or, like our heavenly King, our Savior- with compassion, mercy and grace? Are you walking your road to God's will, with obedience, humility and time to love others? Or are the needs of others whizzing by you....... a blur outside your window, because you are going so fast......... on your way to being great?
I love everything about Jesus, about His life and Word- but, I especially love the important parts before the "important parts." It is there I find Him, in the parts before the glory and in the verses, before the verses worthy of a sermon series. There He is, just being Jesus, everyday.........walking on the road towards me.
Shalom Y'all
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