Invitations....check. Fabric for banners on the battlefield....check. Leather for slings.......check. Appropriate menu for birthday idea. Mom was asking me what we were having, and if you know Mimi, you know she could come up with an 8 course menu in her head, have most everything already in her pantry and be growing the flowers she wants to use for centerpieces. Me on the other hand, has been known to sneak out at 5 in the morning to get milk, so I could pretend I remembered it the night before.
I told her we were having a traditional Jewish feast, with the sacramental elements present, unleavened bread, mutton dripping in olive oil. For at least 3 seconds, I think she thought I was serious. It wasn't until I mentioned the wine I had fermenting in the washing machine that it became clear.
I'm at a loss, I can always go with hot dogs. Done. But with everything else being so themey, weenies seem lame. Never thought I would have that sentence in my blog. So I was thinking, what would they eat in the Bible? Well, depending on who in the Bible you are, you'd be eating locusts with sticks in your hair, the heart of a bear, spotless lamb (don't even have one), first born calf (could be burgers?) Eww.
So any suggestions? Had considered chicken and fruit cabobs. Andy likes the idea of roasting hot dogs outside, but since we are in living in the 6th Plague of Drought and Barren land, that seems unlikely. Grrrrrr.