Monday, April 16, 2012
Brother Blevins
I was asking my mom and dad to check their journals to see when our next story began. And, if you can believe it, it was a year ago this past Friday. That's pretty remarkable how the Lord does that. I am really trying hard to get this post done today so you can begin to see the picture we are painting.
Brother Blevins. Daulton Blevins, there could not be a man that more embodied the kindness, faithfulness, joy, and love of Christ. Daulton and his precious wife, Pauline, came into our lives back in 2001, in Lubbock. Daulton had served as a deacon for 60 years and Pauline taught Sunday school for almost as long, 6th grade girls. They were were the ideal representative for an entire generation of FBC Lubbock saints. People who worked hard, served others, loved others, were honest, faithful and kind.........they were very special people, part of a very special group to my family.
Soon after my parents moved to Lubbock, my dad's new path of ministry crossed with Daulton's steadfast and enduring path of service and one of the most precious friendships began. You see my dad's parents had gone on home to Jesus many years before and Daulton and Pauline became my dad's "parents." Yes, socially, in that they shared holidays, celebrations, and time together, but also spiritually......they prayed together, ministered together, walked in faith and life........ together. And, even at 92, no one was ready to let Daulton go. Daulton had very courageously fought cancer in hopes of being there, for his family and precious wife Pauline, for as long as possible.
I find myself saying precious a lot, if you know Miss Pauline, there is no better word.
My dad shared almost daily trips to the Blevins house, sharing Oreos on the porch, or having lunch around their kitchen table, and throughout Daulton's illness, he shared daily visits to the hospital or spent time by his side at home. An entire book could be written about the man Daulton was and the friend and father he became to my dad.
No one has seen death like my dad has. He has seen it in every stage, he has seen it in young and old, men and women, he has seen it come quickly and seen it exhaust and frustrate, as it evades those who pray for it to come swiftly. He knows its sounds and smells, he knows that sometimes when a doctor says "a few weeks," they really should be saying "a few days."
He has walked this road with so many, held hands, comforted and stood watch with countless husbands, wives, children and parents as their loved ones are ushered into heaven. He walked this road with his parents and he walked this road with Daulton. And I know, as much as the thought of losing him pained my dad, he prayed everyday for months this day would be the day, for he knew, what we knew, what Daulton knew............. the truth that Jesus had prepared a place for him, in His Father's house. Jesus would be waiting with open arms to receive a servant so faithful. And though we all prayed for the Ultimate Healing, it killed me that dad would suffer this loss, during our sojourn in the Wilderness. The worst, most painful time for a worst, most painful loss.
Even though he was going through the same dark season as we all were, my dad remained faithful, compassionate and merciful to everyone, but Daulton in particular. They had talked for months about his funeral, his wishes for Pauline and his family. Dad has done hundreds of funerals and done them masterfully, but I know that for the weeks he spent preparing Daulton's service, he would gather his thoughts, his notes and write out his sermon through tears and heartbreak. Dad must have practiced it a thousand times, he would stand in the backyard, where all his best sermons are first preached and repeat it relentlessly until he could make it all the way through. He would come in and announce "Well, I made it through the first 5 minutes....." And so on, and so on.....until every word Daulton deserved, every word that would comfort his family, every word that pointed back to Christ could be delivered, unbroken.
When that day came, it was one of the most powerful funerals I have ever attended. Often times, when people lead extraordinarily long lives, many of their would be friends and loved ones are already gone or unable to attend their service. At 92 years old, there were hundreds of people there. A sanctuary packed with friends, family, former Sunday school children, now with their children and grandchildren, came to honor Daulton. Fellow and former deacons, people who had been to "sing-ings" in the Blevins house, people who had been visited in hospitals or homes, people who had been taken the Lord's Supper from Daulton or my dad, when they were too sick to come to the Lord's table..........all came to honor Brother Blevins. If you've been around churches in Texas or in the Southern Baptist Convention very long, you would know D.L. Lowrie and John Ballard. Legends for their preaching, singing, pastoring, compassion and character gave brilliant messages. I'll never forget Dr. Lowrie announcing that "He had stood at this podium for mayors, government officials, bank of wealth and influence..........and Daulton Blevins was the most Godly man he had ever known." Now, that was saying something. I mean, really saying something. To hear those words from a man like Dr. Lowrie..........there could not possibly be a higher compliment levied. Two of the true greats at what they do, no, in fact, I would say three. Dr. Lowrie, John Ballard, and their former on-the-job-trainee, my dad, Jerry Huggins.
I did not think there could be a more significant moment than Dr. Lowrie's pronouncement of Daulton's Godliness, or John Ballard, well into his seventies or eighties, belting beloved hymns like some young gun, but there was. As my dad made his remarks, he began going down the rows of Daulton's entire family, one by one, addressing them by name. Pauline, 4 children, 4 spouses, 10 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren..........24 people in the order they were sitting, and my dad told each one of them what he and Daulton, had prayed for them over the span of 10 years. From high school graduations, college graduations, new jobs, engagements, marriages, children, troubled marriages, restored marriages, cancer, healing, bar exams, moves, lost jobs, football games, boyfriends, grandchildren........their salvation, their baptisms, their walk with Christ. Dad gave a record of Daulton that only he could, a record of Daulton's love, concern, pride and prayers for his entire family. It was overwhelming. For me, it was painfully, achingly overwhelming.
The day before Daulton passed away, I had asked my dad how he was doing. Dad said the doctors were giving 1-2 weeks, he felt like it would be 1 week or less. I hadn't been able to find time to see him in months. By April, the part I was hating most about the Wilderness, was how it consumed you, keeping you from even being aware of so much going on around you. So many ministry opporunities missed, because we couldn't break free from our chains. That was it, a brief conversation in passing.
That night I would have my second "dream." As I lay awake in bed, praying I would fall asleep soon, I felt one of the strongest words from the Holy Spirit I ever had. There was no scene, no color, no words....just a thought. But, a thought that wasn't mine. I wasn't even thinking about Daulton, but so clearly in my head there was this thought, not audible or words I could see written out, just a thought. "Daulton will be gone in 2-4 hours, call dad, he is to be there with him." I sat upright, stunned for a few minutes and immediately began questioning, "Lord, is that me or you?" I nudged Andy and told him what happened. I wasn't sure what to do, I felt like it was very clear, but, it was also 3 in the morning, what if I was wrong?
My immediate thoughts were of how embarrassed I would be if I wasn't right, I sat there with my phone, "Seriously, Sara? You're gonna call and upset your dad at 3am, as though he isn't going through enough right now?" "You're right," I told myself, that's crazy. Instead, I called Daulton's Hospice floor, I got a charge nurse and explained who I was, I asked how Daulton was doing, she said he was finally sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to tell her why, but, I did ask if he was in distress. She said everything was fine. I remember blurting out, "Can you check on him?! Do you think he could die tonight?!?!" I know she must have thought I was a lunatic. She assured me he would be here 1-2 weeks.
I hung up the phone, not at all relieved, scolding myself for being a mess. "What a fool! Look how foolish you would be if you had called anyone else? You've got to get it together, you can't just launch grenades at people because you feel like the Lord is telling you something. How selfish, how reckless?" That went through my head all night long.
As soon as it was past, ridiculously early I called my dad, no answer. I tried my mom, no answer. I tried the house and was relieved when my mom answered, "Good, they're home!" That's a good sign. We chatted a few minutes and I asked where dad was, "Oh, Sara, I thought he probably called you. Daulton passed away, very early this morning." I just began sobbing, "Oh God, Mom, tell me Dad was with him. Tell me he woke up and decided to go up there." " No, one of the kids called after a nurse called them." I melted into a heap on the floor.
I couldn't believe it, what costly disobedience, what costly pride! I didn't really want to discuss it with anyone, because who talks about themselves, and how horrible they're feeling, when someone else dies? But, I was a wreck most of that day and for several days after. This, would be the second time, I fought such darkness and attack. You get to a place in your walk, where you are dealing with the subtler sins, arrogance, envy, fear, had been some time, since I had found myself in such blatant disobedience. Or, at least disobedience that was so painfully costly. I had been walking so closely with the Lord, and still walked head on into disobedience, and I knew it. I knew what I was supposed to do, but the fear of looking foolish, of being wrong, fear of feeling melodramatic, fear of disappointing others when they saw how way off I was............I cry even now, remembering how ashamed and guilty I feel for not calling my dad.
Over the next couple of days, the enemy would attack me at this deepest, freshest wound with absolutely crippling, guilt and shame. How could have I robbed my dad of those sacred moments? How could I have robbed Daulton of not having my dad, his grafted-in son, with him as he goes to meet Jesus? Who would do that?! Who would not pass on the intended blessing to such deserving men? I still groan at the thought of it. Lord, don't trust me with anything! I clearly am undeserving. This was what was going through my head at the funeral and the days after.
Eventually, God's forgiveness and mercy pierced into my darkness. But, disobedience always carries a consequence, sometimes even after you've repented. I spent days praying about what I could take away from such a painful experience, what was the point of all this Lord? And again, there was a thought, just a thought, but a thought that was not mine. "Never again. Never again, Sara, never let fear or doubt cause disobedience like this." I knew then, He was right, never again. Like committing my life to Christ or surrendering to ministry, I committed to relentless and fearless obedience to whatever the Holy Spirit leads, whatever word He gives, whatever directive goes with it........I'm doing it, I'm speaking it, I'm giving it. I don't have to understand it, I don't have to see it play out, but I'm not stopping short of complete obedience.
The first dream taught me that God could use me to bless and minister to others, completely separate from my will or desires, if I would obey Him. The second dream taught me to obey and trust Him, no matter what, overcome fear, doubt and ego and start running after Him, wherever it leads. The second dream uniquely prepared me- in July, when I had the third one, it was this experience and commitment to never again disobey what I know to be the Holy Spirit, that would lead me to the car wreck, to Dallas, to meet with counselors, pastors and professors, to call Autumn asking for wisdom, to call Terese, Autumn's friend, to lunch with a stranger, to Seeds of Hope, to leaving Haran for Canaan.
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Dreams in Between
Throughout last year, especially early Spring and into Summer, I really began having a paradigm shift in my spirit. I was finally beginning to emerge from shell shock to see that whether we stayed in Lubbock had become entirely secondary, to what He was showing and teaching us about ourselves, about Him, about what He was really preparing us for. This had become something so much more. Often times, as adults we feel we've reached our fullness, so to speak. We start to feel comfortable that we've pretty much figured out the hard stuff and now it's a matter of practice it, until you die! But, Oh Friend! Not with God, not with God! If I could convey one thing to young people, it would be how exciting walking with Christ is. And, isn't it?! I walked in rebellion a fair number of years, and life was tasteless. But this? This road the Lord has led me down.......has been filled with the most amazing love story, to the most amazing man (twilight schmilight!) miracles, healing, action, suspense and laughter, oh such laughter.
But the most exciting part of all, is when He pulls you aside - maybe your life has been paused or maybe He's led you to the Wilderness- but He leans down and speaks to your spirit "Sara, you thought you knew it all, knew my limits? Hey darling, I'm about to show you just how Awesome, I am." And, then He does.
Mine and Autumn's friendship and journey together continued into the summer, but through a series of events in July I felt compelled to really start digging this thing out, and was actively seeking out and praying about who to get counsel from. But, I have to back up a tad for July to make sense. Typical, right? I don't have the writing skills to communicate without literary flashbacks, flash forwards, slide flashes........
I told you there were a few dreams and there were. It wasn't until later that I would be able to really appreciate their significance or connectedness, July in fact. If you ever been in serious spiritual turmoil, maybe you can relate to this.......I was almost never sleeping, or at least not sleeping well. After months and months without rest, it becomes your new normal and you figure out how you want to use your time. There were nights, when I just lay there, unable to control my thoughts or anxiety. But, there were other nights that were different. I couldn't sleep, but not because of stress, because the Holy Spirit would prompt me to pray about something, or write something down, I felt like He would give me a spiritual tap on the shoulder, "not tonight, no sleep right now. This is too important." I had gotten in the habit of keeping my Bible studies out and ready for me to return to them, I kept a journal and pen by my bed.
Usually, it was a summons to Scripture, a part I had missed or needed to be meditating on. But, one night it was quite different. I know it was sometime after we moved into our house, and I remember relating this story to the girls in Bible study I was teaching, maybe late fall? But at the time, I didn't really understand it.
One night, Andy and I again lay in bed sleepless and restless. It was after 2 when we finally turned the TV off and by 2:15 I was writing furiously. I know I wasn't asleep. I had laid down, it was dark and my eyes were closed, but I wasn't asleep. I had just started to talk myself into taking deep breathes to relax, when I saw brilliant light. It was the warmest, most radiant light and my grandmother was in it. My Father's mother, Nanny had died when I was in the fourth grade after suffering for years with emphysema. I know there must have been times when I saw her healthy, perhaps around 5 or 6, but even then was painfully thin and on oxygen quite a bit. I mostly remember her very sick. I had never before seen her, the way I was seeing her now.
She was neither strangely young or old. But, she radiated light and health. I remember just gasping out loud at how beautiful she was. Her hair was so shiny and her skin luminescent. I remember saying to her "Oh, Nanny you're so beautiful! You are so beautiful, this isn't from my memory. I've never seen you this way." She just smiled. A wave of sadness washed over me, and I told her "Daddy will be heartbroken that I am having this dream and not him, I know he has prayed to see you in his dreams for years. He misses you so badly."
For the first time she spoke, "I know, but this is how it has to be." I immediately wanted to tell her everything about her grandchildren, and great grandchildren, about my family and ministry. But, as soon as I had the thought, I also knew with such clarity and certainty.......... there was no need, she already knew. No more words were spoken, but I knew somehow that this was the most important part, the part I was supposed to take away. She already knew everything, didn't need to be caught up. We didn't need to spend anytime wishing she had seen anything. And just like that, it was over. And I was scribbling like a lunatic. I had never had a dream with such vivid color, such detail or understanding. It didn't make me upset, I wasn't confused by it. I understood it exactly, knew the part I was supposed to share and knew it was important that I share it.
The next morning I called my dad early. I told him he needed to come to the house, that I wanted to talk to him. In the same wilderness, my parents were having the same sleep issues, so by 8 he was front and center. I began to relate this dream to him. He grew very still and quiet, I could tell he was fighting tears. And, for the briefest moment I regretted telling my dad. He said very little and got up and left. I didn't try to stop him or have a conversation, I knew this had to break his heart just a little. Later that afternoon, I went to my parents house and waited for my dad to get in. When he did, I just hugged him and cried, "Dad, I'm so sorry, I know this should have been your dream, it would have been so comforting to you." He kind of just shook his head, and said "No, this was how it was supposed to be."
He began telling me that late the night before as he walked and prayed, like he did so often, he was just overcome with sadness and just missed his mom so bad. He told me how he just stopped for several minutes and just cried to the Lord, for his mother. He wanted so badly to share about his sisters, his kids and his ministry, to know that she knew how he was serving the Lord.
For several minutes, we just sat there stunned and crying. Dad and I totally understood, if he had been the one to have that dream, he would always wonder if it was just his subconscious or memories, floating to the surface. But, because I had it and was able to share with him the exact answers and comfort he was praying for, he knew, we knew without a doubt, it was all God. From the moment I opened my eyes, I knew somehow that dream was not for me. But, I was also fully aware, that God was using me to minister to someone else and required my obedience without interference, or commentary.
It was one of the first times in my life I knew that the Lord used me to bless and minister to someone, not that I haven't tried to be a blessing before......but this was totally apart from me, or my inclination, this wasn't my desire, my words, my idea. It was totally the Lord, using me. And it was so exciting and humbling all at the same time. It made me want to be able to be used by Him again, and again. It made me want to cast off everything that would disqualify me from getting to experience this again.
From that point on, I really began listening hard for the Lord, practicing being tuned to His Spirit, practicing being obedient with the things He trusted me with. But, it would be many months, before I would have my chance again.
More to come.
Shalom y'all,
Wow, friends! I've already had so many encouraging and amazing emails,
confirming that I was supposed to share this. Which is good, because
from 4-7 this morning I thought and prayed about whether or not to leave
it up. Why does it feel like such a huge risk for me to share this part
of the story? Because, sometimes God reveals things about Himself that
change everything, change what you thought you knew or understood,
change your methods, change your ability to return to your life as it
was before. And, that is exactly what God did to me and I wouldn't trade
the revelation about who He is, for going back to the safe box I came
from, for a minute. Please know I am trying to present this as
cautiously and prayerfully as possible, in hopes that this brings you
closer to Him and not further from me. Blessings from the cleft.
-To leave a comment, click on comments in blue, at the bottom and it will open them up. I don't make all of them public right away, some are intended to be private. But, I would love your feedback. Feel free to message me on FB or email at
-To leave a comment, click on comments in blue, at the bottom and it will open them up. I don't make all of them public right away, some are intended to be private. But, I would love your feedback. Feel free to message me on FB or email at
The Poets Prophet
I always think I am going to share a quick story, but I almost never do. It amazes me all over again when I think back on how the Lord was working and moving in our midst last year. It's never really until there is some time and distance between you and your season that you can really appreciate the fullness of God's provision, of how thoughtful he was in meeting your needs. I am so glad that I journaled through this year so I can retrace some of it again.
I spent most of last year praying for relief, some kind of intervention. And, eventually I did get that, but long before that was realized, I was given so much more. The Lord gave me amazing relationships, timely and wise counsel, experiences that tested and grew me, discernment- so that I could really active participate in what He was doing, and not miss out. Priceless, absolutely priceless. We walked this road with people that will forever be in our lives, some new friends, some old friends, everyone with a purpose. And, each of them deserve their own separate tribute and given the time, I'd be honored to write each one. But for now, I share these- the prophet and the poet.
Aw, man. I can't believe I just used the word prophet and used it referring to a person still living. That makes me nervous.
I actually had to take a few deep breaths and pull myself together a bit just now. Is this really a conversation I am willing to have? To so many of you, you lived this with us and walked through this with us.....I don't have to convince you of anything, you were there. But some of you weren't, and not only is it possible that you won't believe this, it's possible it will offend you. Not offended, like "I've said something inappropriate or crude"........offended like " I just brought up a taboo subject at the dinner table and no one knows what to do with it." And truly, that is not my intention, please forgive me. Good grief, Sara! I'm making myself uncomfortable!
What's the thing no one talks about? Or at least not in my Baptist history..............I won't even say "Baptists" because many of you may already know all of this, but I will say "I."
I didn't know, what I didn't know, about the Holy Spirit. I didn't understand, really understand, spiritual gifts or spiritual warfare. Which is ironic, for a couple reasons- One, giving spiritual gifts surveys is kinda the thing to do, I've taken several, but unless yours is teaching, serving, giving, mercy........the ones whose name's explain what you're supposed to do with may be hard pressed for any direction. The other irony- I have a degree in Religion, I'm in ministry! I'm sort of one of the ones who shouldn't be clueless! But, how clueless I was! If the Lord showed me anything last year, it's that there are things we are not teaching/don't know about prayer, about the Holy Spirit, about the reality of darkness and spiritual attack, about walking in authority and victory, about discernment..........But, God is good and part of His provision for me this last year was bringing people into my life, who had an abundance of all that I lacked. And, let me be the first to tell you, I am still coming to terms with all of this, I still don't have the answers, but I do know that I want to know.
Moving on.......
One of the most miraculous and important friendships I will ever have, began quite fact so unexpectedly, that at first I questioned the intention. Never before, had God spoken to me through another person the way He spoke to me through Autumn. I don't know that in my lifetime, I will ever have that same experience again. Truth be known, and I happen to know it, it caught her more than a little off guard too. You see, it wasn't any effort on our parts that brought all this about, in fact it was totally in spite of it. It was like God continued to fling us at each other, until we realized, maybe we should be walking this out together. And to think, it began with an innocent email.
The funny thing about the Wilderness, you may not be the only one in it, but there's not a whole lot of chatting going on there. God may use the same Wilderness to teach very different things. Everyone is there for different reasons, different lessons, following after the Lord down different paths......You see each other around and you may wave or hug, try to encourage as much as you can.......but then you continue on, in solitude. And, that's as it should be. But, sometimes the Lord ordains you walk with someone by your side for a while, welcomed company. I don't honestly know that Autumn even knew I was in the Wilderness, but nonetheless, she was sending me mail there.
One day in March, I got the nicest email. Just a genuinely appreciative, thoughtful email just thanking Andy and I for our ministry. Remember we talked about how you can bless people with your words? This is one of the best examples of that. Should have been the end of it, except that I in my state assumed.......she must know something, she's heard something! I responded, thanking her for truly one of the most encouraging things I'd heard in a while, but I also asked what prompted her kindness. See, Autumn and I were friendly, but only saw each other in passing. We didn't talk on the phone, or FB, we weren't having lunches or getting our families together.............which is why it seemed so unexpected. Her answer was so simple- the Lord brought you to mind, had a conversation about how much she appreciated what we were trying to do through worship, decided to share it. No gossip, no scandal, not fishing for information.
As it turned out, that would not be the last time He would bring me to her mind. A couple of times in March and April, I would get a note from Autumn, always a timely word, always exactly when I needed it. But I still wasn't at a place where I felt like I could share what were going through, so all I could offer was a "thank you."And I was truly thankful. Autumn couldn't have known it, but her words of encouragement or prayers, were reaching me in my worst times, literally within minutes or hours of cries to God for help or understanding, Ding! You've got mail!
It wasn't until early May, that I actually understood God was bringing her into my life on purpose. But, once I understood it, I paid careful attention. Last year, there were 2 events that truly almost devastated me beyond recovery. Twice, that I thought I couldn't possibly survive another moment. There is a lot you can endure for yourself, but seeing the people you love and care about hurt is just agony. In May, one of my dearest friends was treated so cruelly and callously and I was helpless to do anything to stop it or make it better. Seeing her pain, her great pain, was one of the most difficult things to bear in the Wilderness. Satan really attacked me here, I was so angry, I was questioning God, ministry, whether or not He knew what He was doing and whether I cared to find out. I had several hours of inconsolable, weeping, darkness and oppression. I was left so tired and weak, that when I finally got it together, I just sat in my car, in the driveway, not sure where to go or what to do. I began confessing all this to the Lord, and begging for Him to speak clearly to me. I knew this was one of those pivotal moments where people in ministry decide to stay in ministry or decide it's not worth it. Leaving ministry or walking away from what I know to be true about the nature of Christ was never an option. But, certainly there are wounds that are so deep they chip away at your ability to be used in the kingdom, unless you confess, repent and let Christ heal them. For months, I had tried to be diligent to search out a word from the Lord for everyday, but part of my confession that day was that I was just too tired, I didn't trust myself to hear His voice anymore. As I sat in my car, I was holding my phone trying to think of who I could call or ask to pray for me.........sure enough, an email from Autumn came through right then. Not only did her words offer encouragement for how to see what was happening and get through it, but gave me such wise counsel about what to do about it and that was.......nothing. Be submissive to authority and trust that God would take care of my friend. Strangely, the exact opposite of what I would have chosen.
I was so overwhelmed at how God had answered my prayers, I was filled with peace, hope and renewed resolve. Embarrassingly, I was also filled with the desire to drive myself to Autumn's house......unannounced........during dinner.......looking recently hysterical......... to thank her and give her confirmation that the Holy Spirit was using her to minister to me.
*I think it's important to understand that people extend themselves by offering, counsel, a word, encouragement- that's a vulnerable place to be, hoping you understood the Holy Spirit right and that you are not about to seem ridiculous to someone. I always try to offer confirmation when I am on the receiving end of someones obedience, it edifies everyone. It gives them boldness and confidence to trust that it was in fact Spirit-led, encourages them to trust Him again, it gives us an opportunity to praise and thank God for His wisdom and helps me to know that the Lord heard my cries.
I was met at the door by a very puzzled Autumn and her even more puzzled husband. They graciously allowed me to come in while they cleared the table and got a little one tucked in. I wasn't sure what to say but I wanted Autumn to know that she was part of a miracle, that God used her reluctant voice, and desire for obedience like a laser, sending a ray of His light into my dark world. I wanted to know what it was like to hear God so clearly, to fully realize that He was imparting a word to you, for someone else. It blew my mind. I didn't understand how she was not as freaked out about this as I was. Autumn had knowledge and understanding, that I did not have. Autumn had a heritage through her parents and family that gave a totally different level understanding.
There's more to that story, but another day perhaps.
Why would I refer to Autumn as "prophet" (for the sake of a title) or better said, has the gift of prophecy as one of her spiritual gifts? Prophet is not someone wondering in a robe shouting nonsense at passerby's. Nor is it someone who is reading palms or giving psychic readings. It simply means someone who is discerning, who perceives the heart of God and speaks it, to edify the body. Now, here is where the taboo subject comes in. This is a lengthy theological discussion that I am neither qualified nor desirous of having. All I know is what God did in my life, and again, I'm still trying to understand that for myself.
Autumn and I continued on this way for months. She didn't want to know anything, I didn't want to have to tell her anything. But, time after time, even with days or weeks in between, we would exchange a text or email, and find we were studying the same thing, had the same Rhema word for that day. It was bizarre, fascinating and comical all at the same time. I remember, being so excited to call her about something the Lord had really showed me that day out of Daniel, and she was so excited to tell me what she had been praying about, from the same verses. It became so predictable, how God would use her, that on really difficult days or if something had happened, I fully expected to hear from her and I almost always did. Her spirit would be troubled for me, even if she didn't know or understand why. I knew that she and her family were praying for us all the time, and not just us, but everyone. She was always very measured and careful about what she said to me, she always brought it back to Scripture, she was always humbly checking herself and her own flesh. This is how iron sharpens iron. Not by taking up your offenses, or retaliating, not by giving you permission to speak or act recklessly. She became a steady compass, that I could trust to point me back to Jesus.
It was this relationship that prompted me to call Autumn in July, from Dallas after our car wreck, asking if she could point me to wise counsel. And she did, she pointed me to Terese........the poet.
I spent most of last year praying for relief, some kind of intervention. And, eventually I did get that, but long before that was realized, I was given so much more. The Lord gave me amazing relationships, timely and wise counsel, experiences that tested and grew me, discernment- so that I could really active participate in what He was doing, and not miss out. Priceless, absolutely priceless. We walked this road with people that will forever be in our lives, some new friends, some old friends, everyone with a purpose. And, each of them deserve their own separate tribute and given the time, I'd be honored to write each one. But for now, I share these- the prophet and the poet.
Aw, man. I can't believe I just used the word prophet and used it referring to a person still living. That makes me nervous.
I actually had to take a few deep breaths and pull myself together a bit just now. Is this really a conversation I am willing to have? To so many of you, you lived this with us and walked through this with us.....I don't have to convince you of anything, you were there. But some of you weren't, and not only is it possible that you won't believe this, it's possible it will offend you. Not offended, like "I've said something inappropriate or crude"........offended like " I just brought up a taboo subject at the dinner table and no one knows what to do with it." And truly, that is not my intention, please forgive me. Good grief, Sara! I'm making myself uncomfortable!
What's the thing no one talks about? Or at least not in my Baptist history..............I won't even say "Baptists" because many of you may already know all of this, but I will say "I."
I didn't know, what I didn't know, about the Holy Spirit. I didn't understand, really understand, spiritual gifts or spiritual warfare. Which is ironic, for a couple reasons- One, giving spiritual gifts surveys is kinda the thing to do, I've taken several, but unless yours is teaching, serving, giving, mercy........the ones whose name's explain what you're supposed to do with may be hard pressed for any direction. The other irony- I have a degree in Religion, I'm in ministry! I'm sort of one of the ones who shouldn't be clueless! But, how clueless I was! If the Lord showed me anything last year, it's that there are things we are not teaching/don't know about prayer, about the Holy Spirit, about the reality of darkness and spiritual attack, about walking in authority and victory, about discernment..........But, God is good and part of His provision for me this last year was bringing people into my life, who had an abundance of all that I lacked. And, let me be the first to tell you, I am still coming to terms with all of this, I still don't have the answers, but I do know that I want to know.
Moving on.......
One of the most miraculous and important friendships I will ever have, began quite fact so unexpectedly, that at first I questioned the intention. Never before, had God spoken to me through another person the way He spoke to me through Autumn. I don't know that in my lifetime, I will ever have that same experience again. Truth be known, and I happen to know it, it caught her more than a little off guard too. You see, it wasn't any effort on our parts that brought all this about, in fact it was totally in spite of it. It was like God continued to fling us at each other, until we realized, maybe we should be walking this out together. And to think, it began with an innocent email.
The funny thing about the Wilderness, you may not be the only one in it, but there's not a whole lot of chatting going on there. God may use the same Wilderness to teach very different things. Everyone is there for different reasons, different lessons, following after the Lord down different paths......You see each other around and you may wave or hug, try to encourage as much as you can.......but then you continue on, in solitude. And, that's as it should be. But, sometimes the Lord ordains you walk with someone by your side for a while, welcomed company. I don't honestly know that Autumn even knew I was in the Wilderness, but nonetheless, she was sending me mail there.
One day in March, I got the nicest email. Just a genuinely appreciative, thoughtful email just thanking Andy and I for our ministry. Remember we talked about how you can bless people with your words? This is one of the best examples of that. Should have been the end of it, except that I in my state assumed.......she must know something, she's heard something! I responded, thanking her for truly one of the most encouraging things I'd heard in a while, but I also asked what prompted her kindness. See, Autumn and I were friendly, but only saw each other in passing. We didn't talk on the phone, or FB, we weren't having lunches or getting our families together.............which is why it seemed so unexpected. Her answer was so simple- the Lord brought you to mind, had a conversation about how much she appreciated what we were trying to do through worship, decided to share it. No gossip, no scandal, not fishing for information.
As it turned out, that would not be the last time He would bring me to her mind. A couple of times in March and April, I would get a note from Autumn, always a timely word, always exactly when I needed it. But I still wasn't at a place where I felt like I could share what were going through, so all I could offer was a "thank you."And I was truly thankful. Autumn couldn't have known it, but her words of encouragement or prayers, were reaching me in my worst times, literally within minutes or hours of cries to God for help or understanding, Ding! You've got mail!
It wasn't until early May, that I actually understood God was bringing her into my life on purpose. But, once I understood it, I paid careful attention. Last year, there were 2 events that truly almost devastated me beyond recovery. Twice, that I thought I couldn't possibly survive another moment. There is a lot you can endure for yourself, but seeing the people you love and care about hurt is just agony. In May, one of my dearest friends was treated so cruelly and callously and I was helpless to do anything to stop it or make it better. Seeing her pain, her great pain, was one of the most difficult things to bear in the Wilderness. Satan really attacked me here, I was so angry, I was questioning God, ministry, whether or not He knew what He was doing and whether I cared to find out. I had several hours of inconsolable, weeping, darkness and oppression. I was left so tired and weak, that when I finally got it together, I just sat in my car, in the driveway, not sure where to go or what to do. I began confessing all this to the Lord, and begging for Him to speak clearly to me. I knew this was one of those pivotal moments where people in ministry decide to stay in ministry or decide it's not worth it. Leaving ministry or walking away from what I know to be true about the nature of Christ was never an option. But, certainly there are wounds that are so deep they chip away at your ability to be used in the kingdom, unless you confess, repent and let Christ heal them. For months, I had tried to be diligent to search out a word from the Lord for everyday, but part of my confession that day was that I was just too tired, I didn't trust myself to hear His voice anymore. As I sat in my car, I was holding my phone trying to think of who I could call or ask to pray for me.........sure enough, an email from Autumn came through right then. Not only did her words offer encouragement for how to see what was happening and get through it, but gave me such wise counsel about what to do about it and that was.......nothing. Be submissive to authority and trust that God would take care of my friend. Strangely, the exact opposite of what I would have chosen.
I was so overwhelmed at how God had answered my prayers, I was filled with peace, hope and renewed resolve. Embarrassingly, I was also filled with the desire to drive myself to Autumn's house......unannounced........during dinner.......looking recently hysterical......... to thank her and give her confirmation that the Holy Spirit was using her to minister to me.
*I think it's important to understand that people extend themselves by offering, counsel, a word, encouragement- that's a vulnerable place to be, hoping you understood the Holy Spirit right and that you are not about to seem ridiculous to someone. I always try to offer confirmation when I am on the receiving end of someones obedience, it edifies everyone. It gives them boldness and confidence to trust that it was in fact Spirit-led, encourages them to trust Him again, it gives us an opportunity to praise and thank God for His wisdom and helps me to know that the Lord heard my cries.
I was met at the door by a very puzzled Autumn and her even more puzzled husband. They graciously allowed me to come in while they cleared the table and got a little one tucked in. I wasn't sure what to say but I wanted Autumn to know that she was part of a miracle, that God used her reluctant voice, and desire for obedience like a laser, sending a ray of His light into my dark world. I wanted to know what it was like to hear God so clearly, to fully realize that He was imparting a word to you, for someone else. It blew my mind. I didn't understand how she was not as freaked out about this as I was. Autumn had knowledge and understanding, that I did not have. Autumn had a heritage through her parents and family that gave a totally different level understanding.
There's more to that story, but another day perhaps.
Why would I refer to Autumn as "prophet" (for the sake of a title) or better said, has the gift of prophecy as one of her spiritual gifts? Prophet is not someone wondering in a robe shouting nonsense at passerby's. Nor is it someone who is reading palms or giving psychic readings. It simply means someone who is discerning, who perceives the heart of God and speaks it, to edify the body. Now, here is where the taboo subject comes in. This is a lengthy theological discussion that I am neither qualified nor desirous of having. All I know is what God did in my life, and again, I'm still trying to understand that for myself.
Autumn and I continued on this way for months. She didn't want to know anything, I didn't want to have to tell her anything. But, time after time, even with days or weeks in between, we would exchange a text or email, and find we were studying the same thing, had the same Rhema word for that day. It was bizarre, fascinating and comical all at the same time. I remember, being so excited to call her about something the Lord had really showed me that day out of Daniel, and she was so excited to tell me what she had been praying about, from the same verses. It became so predictable, how God would use her, that on really difficult days or if something had happened, I fully expected to hear from her and I almost always did. Her spirit would be troubled for me, even if she didn't know or understand why. I knew that she and her family were praying for us all the time, and not just us, but everyone. She was always very measured and careful about what she said to me, she always brought it back to Scripture, she was always humbly checking herself and her own flesh. This is how iron sharpens iron. Not by taking up your offenses, or retaliating, not by giving you permission to speak or act recklessly. She became a steady compass, that I could trust to point me back to Jesus.
It was this relationship that prompted me to call Autumn in July, from Dallas after our car wreck, asking if she could point me to wise counsel. And she did, she pointed me to Terese........the poet.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Not Just a Book
Sorry Friends, I know it's been a while. We are getting settled into our new house, new church and city. I often struggle with the fact that there is so much I want to be doing, more ministry, more writing, reaching out.......but this just isn't that season. My season right now is raising precious "used to be toddlers," relishing these last few years, before school and life demand more of them. My season right now is to be a wife, a pastor's wife, and take every opportunity to explore this new and expanded territory we have been called to. So friends, my writing will be sporadic I'm afraid, until the Lord tells me to do any differently. But, I am carving out time for this one. I hope you think it a story worth sharing.
Blessings to you in your season, may it undoubtedly be scattered with seeds of hope.
I have wanted for so long to share the story of Terese with you, and with many of you I have. In fact if you've received a gift from me in the last year, been struggling, lost someone.......perhaps better said, if you are someone who has blessed me or I have wanted to bless or encourage you in a profound way, I have either given you this book or shared with you, from this book. I have become somewhat of a nut about it. I order it by the case, right this minute I'm carrying 8 in my car, just waiting for the person the Lord leads me to encourage with it. And, anytime I give it out, I always want to share the full history behind it, which makes me seem even nuttier. I don't know why I feel like that's, wait, I do. This book has such significance to me personally, and is so anointed, I want whomever I share it with to understand that it is not to be discarded or put on a shelf, and never opened again. It's to be read everyday, and then shared with whomever you encounter.......and then you become a nut who orders cases........and the circle of life is complete!
Enter sermonette.
In ministry, I often find myself wanting so badly to be the giver of good when I say good gifts, I don't mean trinkets, or crafty things, not even expensive things. I want to give "gifts" that change someones day or heart, "gifts" that melt burdens or bring healing or much needed joy. I try to give "gifts" that others might hesitate with, and that's usually.....words. It seems so silly, but people often withhold the most desired gift of all, when they don't speak the things people are needing to hear from someone, needing someone to say aloud. I have found, and granted I may be way off base, but when I am really sincerely wanting to bless someone, it is usually through words...........praying over them out loud, extolling or exhorting, encouraging, speaking favor over someone, telling them what they mean to me - what they mean to God, acknowledging, it whatever you want, but I don't just think it, I do it, I say it. And, I don't fake it. Nothing is worse than lying, insincere, flattering lips. The point of this is not to be flowery and make yourself look good, it's to bless someone, in the Spirit, in their spirit.
How do you do you do that? Pray about how the Lord sees them, pray about what the Lord would have you say to them, pray about wisdom to ease someones pain, or the words that the Lord would use to bring peace or hope to someone, and then say just those things!
This has not always been easy for me, but it's something I understand the value of and something I am willing to seem foolish and awkward doing, until I get better. This is something you practice, the easiest and safest place to practice it is in your prayer life, how you talk to God, who is worthy of every word. Practice it by looking for opportunities to bless someone, by looking for someone who needs a touch from the Lord and then humbly pray He would use you to be it. If you've ever been around someone who has this skill, you probably know it. In my life, there have been a handful of people who are so gifted, that I just treasure every encounter with them. They fully understand how much weight their words carry with me, and they use every one to minister to me. Whether teachers, speakers, preachers, authors or poets.............I am amazed by people who are gifted communicators, people who truly recognize that their words can bring life or depth to someone and are not shared to fill voids or exalt themselves. This is why I am amazed by Seeds of Hope.
Why am I telling you this? Because, words are power. Words spoken or written, shared with the prompting of the Holy Spirit, are POWER. Lots of people are educated, smart, verbose and eloquent and yet, bless almost no one. But, someone who is a willing instrument for the Lord to bless people through them, through their gifts? Oh, my word! There are no limits, no boundaries that cannot be surpassed by one person operating under the anointing and motivation of the Holy Spirit. There is no number or measure to the lives God can touch through one person, with no agenda other than, "Lord, how can I serve you? Lord, how can I use my gifts to bring glory to you?" This is where part of my affection for Seeds of Hope comes from, not all, but part. I am in awe of a work that is produced purely by one person waking up everyday, for hundreds of days, and saying "Lord, I know someone, somewhere is going to need a word from you today. Someone I don't know and may never meet, will be hurting on this day or searching on this day, not searching for me - but you, Lord, and they will pick up this book.........what would you have me tell them?"
How do I know this was how it was written? Because, I know the author and she is my friend, my mentor. And, now you know the "why," or actually the "who," of the why I love sharing about this book. As much as I love this book, and I do love this book.........the real treasure is it's author, Terese Holloway. "Who shared it with me?" you cleverly ask?
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
But, what the heck? Risk it!! I'll tell you anyway!
God did. God shared this experience with me. You see, in the middle of my journey, God graciously allowed my path to intersect with the paths of some of His most beautiful creations. God was working out a plan for months, years even, weaving the most brilliant tapestry- a tapestry woven through extraordinary circumstances and extraordinary people, including one former President (of the USA!!!! not a quilting club!) one world-famous bible-study teacher/author, two new life-long friends-a poet, and a prophet- a couple of dreams, one car wreck, one miracle, two full circle moments........... and my local grocery store.
Only God.
More to come.......
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